Pregnancy is a time of immense change in a woman’s body. The immune system undergoes significant alterations during pregnancy, and expecting mothers become more susceptible to infections and diseases. Taking care of your health is essential during this delicate period and one way to ensure good health is to take oral probiotics.

Taking oral probiotics during pregnancy has several first-hand benefits; here are a few of them.
Boosting Immunity – Oral probiotics help boost the immune system, reducing the risk of infections and diseases. Pregnant women are more susceptible to flu and colds – taking BLIS K12™ oral probiotics can help prevent them by stimulating immune defences.
Prevents Vaginal Infections – Probiotics can help prevent vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. These infections are common during pregnancy and can cause discomfort and complications.
Reduces the Risk of Allergies – Studies have shown that taking probiotics during pregnancy can reduce the risk of allergies in babies. 1 Probiotics help develop a balanced microbiome, which is essential for preventing allergies.
Helps Prevent Preterm Labour – Preterm labour is a significant risk during pregnancy. Studies have shown that periodontal disease is a substantial contributor to preterm labour and low birth weight babies. 2 Taking an oral probiotic such as BLIS M18™ helps support teeth and gum health.
Promotes Digestive Health – Probiotics can help improve digestion and reduce constipation during pregnancy. Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy, and a gut probiotic can help keep things regular.
Another key benefit is shaping your baby’s microbiome. During and after birth, the newborn is exposed to a wide variety of microorganisms, all of which shape the baby’s microbiome. These early microbial communities play a major role in shaping the adult microbiota. Studies have shown that constant exposure to the mother’s microbiota reinforces the child’s microbiome, with many of the mother’s beneficial bacteria colonizing, giving the infant a well-balanced microbiome. 3
[1] Colquitt AS, Miles EA, Calder PC. Do Probiotics in Pregnancy Reduce Allergies and Asthma in Infancy and Childhood? A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2022 Apr 28;14(9):1852. doi: 10.3390/nu14091852. PMID: 35565819; PMCID: PMC9105059.
[2] Walia M, Saini N. Relationship between periodontal diseases and preterm birth: Recent epidemiological and biological data. Int J Appl Basic Med Res. 2015 Jan-Apr;5(1):2-6. doi: 10.4103/2229-516X.149217. PMID: 25664259; PMCID: PMC4318095.
[3] Tagg JR, Pybus V, Phillips LV, Fiddes TM. Application of inhibitor typing in a study of the transmission and retention in the human mouth of the bacterium Streptococcus salivarius. Arch Oral Biol. 1983;28(10):911-5. doi: 10.1016/0003-9969(83)90086-9. PMID: 6360104.